Thymos brings about a necessary cultural change in businesses so that they can become a leader in the Country’s economic development.

Today Thymos is directly present in United States and Asia.
The current economic cycle requires the Italian companies to move abroad, expanding their business outside Italy and Europe, to compete on the market. This means, the access to import/export opportunity, international partnerships, improving in efficiency, know-how differentiation and also the recourse to interantional investors and capital.
The internationalization process, can not be improvised and companies has to be conscious concerning the challenge they are facing, which implies even a trasformation of the internal process in order to raise the global challenge.
For those companies, which are considering the internazionalization as a driver of growth, is crucial to evaluate formerly business and market opportunities. This preliminary phase comes through:
- Product analysis (identifying the value proposition or the competitive advantage related to the market “target”)
- Market intelligence (market comprehention in relation to: a product, a company, competitors or the key player/buyer for the identified sector)
- Identification of the range of opportunities that the company can raise on the market and in the different channel (B2B, B2C) functional to the product and the brand of the target market (ed eventually needs of “product adaptation” or “product innovation”)
- Strategical design of the most efficient market plan finalised to the “entering the market” process in relation with the company goals
Thanks to it’s partner, directly located in United States and Asia, Thymos can provide to it’s Clients, which are looking to the internationalization process, with the following services: direct-export, brand & marketing comunication services, development of joint-venture, burocracy support (for Hong Kong, Miami…), representative office and research of partner/investors in USA, Asia, Emirates and Australia.
The internationalization process can rapresent a great opportunity for companies, but the difference between a complete success or a big fail is enclosed in the capacity to set up a customised strategy by relying on professionists with a direct presence in the Country, that can design the right strategy, starting from the preliminary analysis to the concrete assistance on the field.
Furthermore, Thymos supports companies in internationalization in the Balkan area.